Wednesday, June 18, 2014

On the Trinity and our Call

Matthew 28:19  So go and make followers of all people in the world.  Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

On the Trinity:  Mike and I were talking the other night and he mentioned that he did not know of a good analogy for the Trinity.  Something sparked in me.  The conversation felt familiar.  I paused for a moment, searching my brain for some rememberance of whatever conversation about this topic I had recently been a part of.

"Oh, I remember!" I said.  "Water!  Water is the analogy!"

So what Christians call "The Trinity" means 1 God in 3 persons.  GOD = Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  All God, in different forms.

Water (H2O) = solid (ice), liquid, and gas.  1 molecule, 3 forms.  It's all the same substance, but it can exist in different ways.  Like God.  And I find it very cool that Jesus called Himself the Living Water.  Coincidence?  I don't think so:)

On our call:

Matthew 28:19  So go and make followers of all people in the world....

Mark 16:15  Jesus said to his followers, "Go everywhere in the world and tell the Good News to everyone."

This has been on my mind a lot lately.  We are called to share our faith.  If Jesus is our Savior and we believe in the Good News of Him, then we are supposed to share that with others.  He told us to.  The apostles that were with Him, who knew Him personally, they did this with great abandon.  All but one of them were persecuted and killed for their belief and teaching.  They would not have been willing to put their lives on the line if they did not believe that Jesus IS God.  Should I have less passion than they?  My desire is surely that everyone on earth hear the Good News of Christ.  And I am willing to dialogue (talk about) and even debate the Truth.  I am sure I am not as prepared as a Bible scholar, but I believe that Jesus' deity can be proven and that the Bible can be shown to be historically accurate.

I am no missionary.  I have not gone to the corners of the world to share the Good News (and I probably will not do that ever).  I will probably not take this call literally, in the way of leaving my home and my family to tell about Jesus.  But I know in this calling, I can share Jesus with those around me.  I can teach my kids about Him, prove Him to them, and hope they fall so in love with Him they want to serve Him and tell of His love throughout their lives.  My desire is to know Jesus better and better so that when I do have the opportunity to share His love and His story, I am prepared, gentle, and I can show the Truth.

Oh Lord, prepare me to show Your greatness.

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