Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Paper Mache!

In an effort to be more crafty with my guys, I decided to try out some paper mache with them.  

What a mess!!  Lol.  But we had fun. 

Our friend Evie joined us.  She and Max lasted all of 10 minutes.  And, after the first two strips she dipped and put on the balloon, Evie said she wanted to wash her hands.  I said, "Are you finished?"  She said no, she just wanted to wash her hands.  Sure enough, she came back for a couple more rounds.

Jackson liked this WAY more than I thought he would.  Not that long ago, I would have thought he would hate getting his hands all dirty and sticky.  I tried the paper mache anyway, thinking that there was a good chance I would finish most of the work myself.  

Jackson surprised me by having lots of fun.  He covered pretty much the whole balloon.  

Our paste was a flour and water paste.  Basically, put flour in your mixing bowl, add water, and mix until you have your desired consistency.

Jackson finished covering most of his balloon and I finished covering the other two.  I hung them outside to dry and by the next morning, one of the balloons had popped and all the strips were stuck together all funny.  The other two balloons continued to hang out there, but another popped.  The final balloon popped, but the mache paper was all dry and stayed in the balloon shape. 

The idea was to cover the balloon shape again and have a pinata for Max's birthday party, but we never got that far.  Maybe we will try it again one of these days!

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