Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Jackson's Piano Recital

 May 3rd, 2014

Jackson had his second piano recital.  The first was back in December, but it was a lot more informal.  This time it was in a nice, big room with a grand piano.  There were lots of people there and treats to enjoy afterwards.  

This is a photo of Jackson with his piano teacher Miss Lydia.  She is wonderful with him and has really encouraged him to enjoy playing piano.  He is quite good, not that I am bragging!  He started lessons in October 2013 and he just started his third set of books.  His knowledge of piano theory now outdoes my own, which makes helping him with practice a little more challenging.  He is teaching me now!  He says that after he has taken lessons for a while he will start giving lessons to me, Max, and Thomas, lol.  

We go through challenging moments, where something is difficult to learn or Jackson is tired and doesn't want to practice.  There is the rare occasion he can't remember something he went over with Lydia or he did not understand.  Mostly we have worked through those moments and he still loves playing piano.

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