Ezra 9: 1 "Ezra, the Israelites, including the priests and Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the people around us.... 2 The Israelite men and their sons have married these women. They have mixed the people who blong to God with the people around them."
9:13 What has happened to us is our own fault. We have done evil things, and our guilt is great. But you, our God have punished us less than we deserve...."
10:10 ...You have been unfaithul and have married non-Jewish women. You have made Israel more guilty. 11 Now, confess it to the Lord, the God of our ancestors. Do his will and separate yourselves from the people living around you and from your non-Jewish wives.
When I read these chapters, I thought, wow God is being pretty hardcore. Demanding that the His people separate themselves, in some cases divorce their spouses. Can you imagine? The Israelites probably loved these people, even though it was against the teaching of God in the first place. They had been separated from God and His ways/laws for so long that they did not even know what they were doing was wrong until someone found God's books of teaching and told them so. Of course, this is the Old Testament God, who had not yet officially made Himself open to saving non-Jewish people. And so, the Jews did what God wanted. They left their non-Jewish wives and even their kids, and if they did not, they were separated from all the other Jews. I have a feeling some of them probably took that road.
This is such a metaphor for our lives today. How many times do we have stuff in our lives that we know the God of Heaven would not like? And how many times do we take the road in which we continue to love or do the thing we know He would abhor? Because we think that our wants and desires are the main point of this life. Because we think if we love something then it has to be right, right? But this story is an illustration that we are not to be the ones in control. God is. If we are truly His followers we should be doing His will, giving up those things we know He would not like. When we let go of those things, we put ourselves back in His will and we will be blessed.
As a caveat: Divorcing someone that does not believe in God is not the way that Jesus taught. The God of the New Testament brought an even higher calling: do not marry someone who does not believe in the first place (which is actually what was taught in the OT) . But, if you are already married, stand in your faith, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and live your life like you believe. The love that fills your life and heart because of Jesus will bring your spouse into His will as well (this is the change of the NT).
When I created this blog, I called it "Just a Bite" because that's what it was: just a bite of my thoughts, almost always having to do with what I was reading in Scripture. Now, I am moving on to chronicling our time in Hawaii and giving our family and friends "just a bite" of what life is like here for our little family. Thanks for keeping up with us!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Psalms 69:30 I will praise God in a song and will honor him by giving thanks. 31 That will please the Lord more than offering him cattle, more than sacrificing a bull with horns and hoofs.
71:7 I am an example to many people, because you are my strong protection. 8 I am always praising you; all day long I honor you.
There's this amazing woman I know and she gave me this book called "One Thousand Gifts." It's about this woman who was going through life and just feeling kind of apathetic and tired about it. Then she had a friend who challenged her to write down a list of one thousand things she is thankful for, including every little thing. She writes about the big stuff, like her kids and husband, but also the little things, like how the clouds look in the sky and bubbles in the sink while she is washing dishes. The eye opening thing for me about the book (and I have not read the whole thing yet) is when she talks about the first sin (eating the apple from the forbidden tree) actually being a sin of ingratitude. Yes, Adam and Eve did not listen to God, but the real sin was the they didn't listen because they thought He was not giving them all they could have; they were not grateful for all they already DID have.
I want to be content in all I have, abundance or lack. So... like in the book I am making it a point to be thankful for all the things I can on any given day. Small things like the way freshly shredded cheddar cheese looks, smells, and tastes. And the things that are big to me, like my kids and their loveableness and my husband and his love and support for me. God gives us these and all the things in between. Contentment is bred from thankfulness. It is a lesson I am enjoying learning and I hope it is making me a better example of God's love for the people of this lost and broken world.
71:7 I am an example to many people, because you are my strong protection. 8 I am always praising you; all day long I honor you.
There's this amazing woman I know and she gave me this book called "One Thousand Gifts." It's about this woman who was going through life and just feeling kind of apathetic and tired about it. Then she had a friend who challenged her to write down a list of one thousand things she is thankful for, including every little thing. She writes about the big stuff, like her kids and husband, but also the little things, like how the clouds look in the sky and bubbles in the sink while she is washing dishes. The eye opening thing for me about the book (and I have not read the whole thing yet) is when she talks about the first sin (eating the apple from the forbidden tree) actually being a sin of ingratitude. Yes, Adam and Eve did not listen to God, but the real sin was the they didn't listen because they thought He was not giving them all they could have; they were not grateful for all they already DID have.
I want to be content in all I have, abundance or lack. So... like in the book I am making it a point to be thankful for all the things I can on any given day. Small things like the way freshly shredded cheddar cheese looks, smells, and tastes. And the things that are big to me, like my kids and their loveableness and my husband and his love and support for me. God gives us these and all the things in between. Contentment is bred from thankfulness. It is a lesson I am enjoying learning and I hope it is making me a better example of God's love for the people of this lost and broken world.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Psalm 39: 2 I kept very quiet. I didn't even say anything good, but I became even more upset. 3 I became very angry inside, and as I thought about it, my anger burned. So I spoke: 4"Lord,...."
I read this scripture and it made me think about what keeping things all to ourselves does to us. Plain and simple: we become even more angry and overtaken by it. We don't even say anything good. But I am glad right now, because I know I can take all my junk to the Lord. I can call on Him to help me work out all my issues and that allows all the junk to not build up. In reality, the same stuff still comes up for me all the time. I have to constantly give it over to God and trust Him with it. But, if I keep talking to Him about it and allowing Him to lead my actions about things, then I can keep bitterness from creeping into my heart.
Sometimes keeping quiet is not what I want to do. Sometimes I want to talk and say things that I think will get me somewhere. Sometimes words are healing. Sometimes they are just hurtful. Sometimes words just do not get us anywhere. Sometimes I don't know what to do. Okay, many times. Maybe the question is: What is most Jesus-like? Even in His hardest times on earth, when He felt most separated and forsaken by the Father, Jesus talked to God. And He still followed through with the right thing (His death on the cross) even though it was the hardest thing He ever did. And I am so grateful, for because of His sacrifice I am forgiven. Because He chose the right thing, I can too.
I read this scripture and it made me think about what keeping things all to ourselves does to us. Plain and simple: we become even more angry and overtaken by it. We don't even say anything good. But I am glad right now, because I know I can take all my junk to the Lord. I can call on Him to help me work out all my issues and that allows all the junk to not build up. In reality, the same stuff still comes up for me all the time. I have to constantly give it over to God and trust Him with it. But, if I keep talking to Him about it and allowing Him to lead my actions about things, then I can keep bitterness from creeping into my heart.
Sometimes keeping quiet is not what I want to do. Sometimes I want to talk and say things that I think will get me somewhere. Sometimes words are healing. Sometimes they are just hurtful. Sometimes words just do not get us anywhere. Sometimes I don't know what to do. Okay, many times. Maybe the question is: What is most Jesus-like? Even in His hardest times on earth, when He felt most separated and forsaken by the Father, Jesus talked to God. And He still followed through with the right thing (His death on the cross) even though it was the hardest thing He ever did. And I am so grateful, for because of His sacrifice I am forgiven. Because He chose the right thing, I can too.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
2 Thessalonians 2: 13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brother loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
There is so much I have been wanting to write about lately. And just never enough time to sit and write, so instead, I send up my prayers for anything and everything that crosses my mind. But tonight, I am waiting for the floors to dry so I can put a pot of coffee on for the morning and put everything back in order before I go to sleep. And I actually sat down to clean out my email box and start reading my daily devotion instead. And that lead me here, sitting, writing to you all.
I love you. But way better than me, God loves you. And He is calling you. He is calling you through the very fact that you are reading this email. I want more than anything to know that the people I love know the Lord, whether we talk anymore or you even like me anymore or not. Today I have been thinking about the circumstances of some of my relationships. And all I can do is pray that the Lord will give me whatever I need to say/do to show those I love, that I love them. Way easier said than done, as I am sure many of you know. But here's the thing: God transcends all the relationship junk that we experience in this life. He is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS in our corner. He loves us with a love that we cannot even fully wrap our minds around. He sent His Son to die as a man on a cross; He sacrificed for all of us.
So, who of you are called and have been ignoring the Lord? Cause He is knockin'. I have more than one friend and I myself have been known to be blind to what God is trying to get through to us. He uses all kinds of things we would not think of. And sometimes He has to keep picking us up because He had been getting close and the devil pulled us away from Him. We have choices; and (crazy as this sounds to some) I believe that there are supernatural powers at work pulling us away from God. Why else would we not want to run straight into the arms of someone so good? Because... someone out there is trying with all his might to make God look pretty bad. And we believe it.
I pray you will take a look at your life/circumstances as a new year begins and try to see where God is calling to you, chasing you. He chose you from the beginning. The first step of faith might be the hardest... but it might be the best thing you have ever done and will make 2011 a year to remember.
There is so much I have been wanting to write about lately. And just never enough time to sit and write, so instead, I send up my prayers for anything and everything that crosses my mind. But tonight, I am waiting for the floors to dry so I can put a pot of coffee on for the morning and put everything back in order before I go to sleep. And I actually sat down to clean out my email box and start reading my daily devotion instead. And that lead me here, sitting, writing to you all.
I love you. But way better than me, God loves you. And He is calling you. He is calling you through the very fact that you are reading this email. I want more than anything to know that the people I love know the Lord, whether we talk anymore or you even like me anymore or not. Today I have been thinking about the circumstances of some of my relationships. And all I can do is pray that the Lord will give me whatever I need to say/do to show those I love, that I love them. Way easier said than done, as I am sure many of you know. But here's the thing: God transcends all the relationship junk that we experience in this life. He is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS in our corner. He loves us with a love that we cannot even fully wrap our minds around. He sent His Son to die as a man on a cross; He sacrificed for all of us.
So, who of you are called and have been ignoring the Lord? Cause He is knockin'. I have more than one friend and I myself have been known to be blind to what God is trying to get through to us. He uses all kinds of things we would not think of. And sometimes He has to keep picking us up because He had been getting close and the devil pulled us away from Him. We have choices; and (crazy as this sounds to some) I believe that there are supernatural powers at work pulling us away from God. Why else would we not want to run straight into the arms of someone so good? Because... someone out there is trying with all his might to make God look pretty bad. And we believe it.
I pray you will take a look at your life/circumstances as a new year begins and try to see where God is calling to you, chasing you. He chose you from the beginning. The first step of faith might be the hardest... but it might be the best thing you have ever done and will make 2011 a year to remember.
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