Thursday, January 20, 2011

Psalms 69:30 I will praise God in a song and will honor him by giving thanks. 31 That will please the Lord more than offering him cattle, more than sacrificing a bull with horns and hoofs.

71:7 I am an example to many people, because you are my strong protection. 8 I am always praising you; all day long I honor you.

There's this amazing woman I know and she gave me this book called "One Thousand Gifts." It's about this woman who was going through life and just feeling kind of apathetic and tired about it. Then she had a friend who challenged her to write down a list of one thousand things she is thankful for, including every little thing. She writes about the big stuff, like her kids and husband, but also the little things, like how the clouds look in the sky and bubbles in the sink while she is washing dishes. The eye opening thing for me about the book (and I have not read the whole thing yet) is when she talks about the first sin (eating the apple from the forbidden tree) actually being a sin of ingratitude. Yes, Adam and Eve did not listen to God, but the real sin was the they didn't listen because they thought He was not giving them all they could have; they were not grateful for all they already DID have.

I want to be content in all I have, abundance or lack. So... like in the book I am making it a point to be thankful for all the things I can on any given day. Small things like the way freshly shredded cheddar cheese looks, smells, and tastes. And the things that are big to me, like my kids and their loveableness and my husband and his love and support for me. God gives us these and all the things in between. Contentment is bred from thankfulness. It is a lesson I am enjoying learning and I hope it is making me a better example of God's love for the people of this lost and broken world.

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