Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ezekiel: 11 months. What?!

Our blonde little squeaky Zeke is already 11 months old.  

  • He is the blondest of all our babies. 
  • I feel like he might also be the pudgiest, but that is not saying too much, lol.  
  • He likes to yell just to hear himself, especially in the morning, when he is the only one up. 
  • He has his two bottom middle teeth and his incisors actually came through on top before any other top teeth.  Little vampire baby.
  • Walking is his thing and he is our earliest walker yet, starting about 10 months, but really going strong about 10 1/2 months.
  • Eating is not his thing.  He might even be harder than Jackson and Max.  Thomas likes SO many more things than Zeke does.  Zeke really likes to feed himself.  If I try to spoon feed him, he usually spits whatever it is out all over his hands and tries to feed it back to himself.  This does not work so well with pureed things or oatmeal.  
  • Loves to be on Mama's left hip.  And he will wiggle and jiggle himself around till he is settled there just so.  
  • He loves to play in the toilet.  He is our first child to be so into this and he is fixated on it, watching to see when anyone leaves the toilet seat up.  Gross.
  • He LOVES to be outside.  He will cry (mad cry) if I walk toward the back door like we are going out, but then I don't actually go.  
  • Still nursing.  Gets up once in the middle of the night most of the time.  If I nurse him sometime before 0500 he will usually go on sleeping until about 0600 or 0630.  
  • It is incredibly hard to get a good picture of this kid.  He sees me with the camera and he runs toward me.  And then, he gives me this terrible look, like he is trying too hard to smile.  

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