- Crawling all over the place and fast too.
- Wants to eat any time we are eating. Will take baby foods/rice cereal, but seems to want what we are having if there is something he can work with.
- Starting to like the bath.
- Doesn't take a pacifier. Or his thumb. I can live with that.
- Not sleeping through the night. Still gets up once, usually twice to nurse. And he is an early riser.
- Dinner time is the witching hour. He does not like me to cook. He wants me to hold him pretty much the whole time I should be cooking. I usually love cooking, but Zeke...
- He likes those little surf-board MumMums.
He loves to climb all over Thomas. And the big boys too.
Grandma Clemens came to visit!
I could not get a better picture, but this boys is already trying to climb the stairs! Lord help me!
Riding on my knees:)
One of his favorite pastimes: pulling my hair, sliming all over my hair, climbing all over me!
Sweet potatoes and favorite people
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