Romans 8: 4 He did this so that we could be the kind of people the law correctly wants us to be. Now we do not live following our sinful selves, but we live following the Spirit.
i have been thinking lately about how much those of us, myself definitely included, allow the world to invade or control us even though we have been given freedom in Jesus Christ. i have thought about how i have failed in the past and how i want to be better in the future: to love better, give more, and allow the Holy Spirit to invade me and allow me to live to the higher standards of the Lord. i am sure most people would look at me from the outside and see a "good person." but i know myself, my thoughts, my reactions to things that happen to me, the way i judge others inside my head. if my heart were truly good, my first thoughts would be ones of love, not jealousy, envy, or anger. that is what the Spirit helps us to be: truly good, acting and reacting with love to all the people in our lives, those we love and those we just happen to interact with.