Sunday, June 13, 2010

Romans 5:7 Very few people will die to save the life of someone else. Although perhaps for a good person someon might possibly die. 8 But God shows his great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

The part that struck me about this passage was the "perhaps, for a good person" part. I would like to think there are many people I would die for. Certainly my kids or husband. I love them more than this life for sure, not to mention, I know where I am going when I die. But what about those that I love deeply? Would I give my life for them? I suppose it depends on the circumstance or the time I would have available to mull it over. How lame is that answer? The answer should be, "of course I would lay down my life for someone I love, no matter who that person is." And I would like to believe that in reality, if I had to make a choice, I would decide that I would give up my life for those people I love. But we are human. And we often choose ourselves first. I am reading this back to myself and wondering if I should delete... but I won't. Because this might be as honest and raw as it gets. I love my life, and the people in it. Why would I want to leave my life and those in it?

Maybe for the simple reason that Jesus did that very thing for me. He left Heaven, seated with God the Father to come down here and be a man. A man that died on a cross to reconcile me to God, that my sins might be forgiven and I can spend eternity in heaven when God decides to call me away from this life I love. Jesus: the most unselfish person to ever live, a God/man who actually did die for me, even though there is not a "good" bone in my body.