Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Matthew 10:29 Two sparrows cost only a penny, but not even one of them can die without your Father's knowing it. 30 God even knows how many hairs are on your head. 21 So don't be afraid. You are worth much more than sparrows.

Luke 15: 31 The father said to him, "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. 32 We had to celebrate and be happy because your brother was dead, but now he is alive. He was lost, but now he is found."

in class last week we talked a moment about prodigals, those people who either are getting saved for the first time or those who have distanced themselves from God and come back to Him. God's heart aches for these in His desire to have them know Him. His heart breaks every time one of us makes a choice that takes us further from Him. He sent His Son to die on a cross so that we could be reconciled to Him. He knows how many hairs are on our heads, even for those who do not know Him. He knows every detail. and He wants us to choose right: choose to live for Him, choose to repent of our sins, choose to know Him for the first time. i have prayed that i would have the eyes to see people as God sees them: with the love and compassion of Christ. there are people in my life for whom i ache that they will know the Lord, intimately and personally know Him and believe in the cross. and there are people in my life for whom i ache that they will come back to Him and follow His ways. imagine: He aches for them 100 times more than i do. if i am crying tears for them, then i can be sure the Lord is as well. His love is a greater gift than we can ever imagine. and He wants to give it all to us.

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