Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday Stories

Not sure we had any super funny stories or moments this week.  My friend Wendi, the one who I copied this Sunday Stories idea from, her kids seem to always say funny things through the week.  I think she probably also writes them down as soon as possible after they happen, which I am totally not good at.  

So, I wrote this week's stories from some of the pictures I have of the big boys.  If you want to see Thomas and his current look, see my previous post:)

Jackson would play board games all day long.  Max..  he does not have quite the attention span for that.  But make is a game among Supers???  Now you're talking!  Zingo it is, for Big Superman, Big WonderWoman, Big Batman, Kid Superman, Kid WonderWoman and Kid Batman.  Yes, Max calls his little supers "Kids."  

Jackson likes to color, but not as much as he did right about the time we left the Azores.  In an attempt to get him and Max to sit still while I read to them, they have been coloring.  Jackson currently likes the "Bible Stories" coloring book he has:)

Jackson and Max both participate in the Awana program here at the chapel.  Jackson is a Sparky and he is super proud of his vest with all the adornments.  He really should have started Sparks last year in the Azores, but his little friends were all Cubbies, so I let him stay back with them.  This year, he will actually catch up and be able to move up the next group when he is supposed to because he finished the first book in half a year and will finish the second book before the year is over as well.  The kid has a crazy knack for memorization.  So, here he is showing off his newest green jewel, which is on the left and his patches on the right.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Baby Thomas, Week 3

Sleeping prince

First time at the beach.  Kailua Beach

Passed out.  Best place to sleep is right on mom.

See?  I fuss when I am not with her.

Is it possible that we might actually get a pacifier kid instead of a thumb sucker?  

Exactly 3 weeks old:)

I love this onesie

 Cutest profile ever

Big brothers wanted to hold him

Gardening for homeschool science: Beans, peppers, and peas

Green beans on January 4th

Green beans on January 15th

Pepper plants on January 15th

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sunday Stories

Ha, ha.  Only one day late this time.

Jackson loves Yahtzee.  I mean LOVES it.  So much so that he would ask Mike or me to play with him as many times as possible throughout the day.  A few weeks ago we couldn't take it anymore and Mike instituted a 3-games-a-day rule.  That has somehow blossomed into 4 games.  But this is a more manageable number no matter what.  When we have finished the 3 or 4 games, we simply remind Jackson that we are finished for the day.

Well, that is not enough for the young Yahtzee king.  He has decided to start playing against himself.  He labels the score cards with "Jackson #1" and "Jackson #2" and goes on to roll those dice with gusto.  And don't forget that he must announce his scores to us at the end of each game.  Thank heaven he can do all the addition on the score cards or Mike and I would still be in for some kind of involvement in the playing of extra Yahtzee!

Max and Daddy were playing Legos.  Daddy found some missing piece for Max.  Max proceeded to pat Mike on the head and stated, "You're a good dad,  Daddy," which was said in that patronizing way we sometimes talk to our children.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thomas' first beach day

We have been beyond blessed to have Mike home with us since Thomas' birth.  We decided to make a family trip to the beach while he was home, so that I had his help and we could let the big boys do something fun with both of us.  

We made a morning of it, starting with breakfast at this great place called Cinnamon's.  I had red velvet pancakes with a white chocolate sauce.  Mmmm.  Jackson and Max split some banana pancakes, which were awesome, with big chunks of bananas in there.  I could go back and eat breakfast right now.  Mind you, I am typing this post at 2130, lol.  

Mike and the boys took some balls to play with in the water.  The beach was not crowded, but the water was cooler than in the summer time.  I did not go in.  Thomas and I sat back in our beach tent and just enjoyed the weather and the day and watching all the big boys play.

Comfy in the beach chair.  Look at all the lovely light teal blue water!

Jackson and Max kept riding the waves in, which provided quite a good time, until Max got toppled over by one and swallowed some salt water.  He was pretty upset for all of a minute, lol. 

Playing in the sand

 Sweet sleeping baby.  This is how he spent much of his morning:)

Look at that view

Chillin' in Mom's beach chair while we tried to pick up all our stuff 

Another great view...  a baby and a beautiful beach.  Not the greatest quality because I took this picture on my phone in order to message it to some friends and family.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Gardening science: Tomatoes

I forgot to mention that for the purpose of school, we made a nature journal.  We first started with putting pictures or journal entries of random things we experienced in nature in there.  We will still do that if it suits our fancy.  But we also added a chart for the garden.  We had started this on a posterboard, but it was just too big and we could not find a place that made sense to hang it up.  Plus, we kept adding too many things to this whole garden plot experience.  I made many of the initial entries, copied from the posterboard, but now, Jackson is making entries as well, which are basically simple observations about what is growing or changing with the plants in our garden box.

Tomatoes, January 4th, 2014.  We bought these ones from the garden store and planted them on December 26th.  A Whopper plant and a Better Bush plant.  

Tomatoes.  We had to cage them, yay!!  January 15th.  You can't see it very well, but the plant on the left actually has a green tomato on it.  

This is a tomato that we started from seed on December 15th.  We transplanted into this container on December 26th.  This picture was from January 4th.

On December 26th we replanted the egg carton with all tomatoes.  As of January 4th, we had 4 sprouts.

As of January 7th, we had 9 sprouts and one of the sprouts would end up having 4 plants in it.  Oops!  Max must have been helping with the planting, lol. 

Gardening science: red leaf lettuce, swiss chard, arugula

January 4th, 2014.  I cut both the red leaf lettuce and the arugula down and had my first salad the day after this picture.  

January 7th.  This is how much the red leaf lettuce has already grown back since January 5th!!  Cool right?

The arugula is not as fast growing back as the red leaf lettuce.

January 15th.  Ready for another salad!

I cut the swiss chard so we could try it grilled on January 10th and it's small leaves have already grown big and new ones have started to grow again.

Gardening for homeschool science: Yellow squash and green zucchini

You might have seen my post about our gardening science ongoing project.  Mike built me a garden box and then we started experimenting with seeds.  We also went to the garden store and got some plants that were already started.  I am really just blogging about this now for my own records, lol.  I want to see the plants as they grow and I can just keep coming back and adding more pictures in.

Yellow squash plants, as of January 4th, 2013.  They were planted from seed on December 15th.

You can see the other plants here too, but these are the yellow squash on January 7th, 2013.  The plant that looks similar and is a little to the left of the squashes is a green zucchini plant.  

January 15th.  They got huge!!

This one is the zucchini.  The yellow squashes are moving into all the other plants' territory.  Not sure what we should do!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Baby Thomas, Week 2 in Pictures:)

Gotta love naps with Dad.

Chillin' with the new Batman blanket Aunt Cara and Ms. Sally made for him.  There is a Superman one too.  Super snuggly!!

Gotta love naps with Mom.

These are the "shrinking animal" pictures...  We will see how he changes/grows in relation to them over the weeks/months.  

This Batman blanket sure is warm and cozy:)  Thanks Aunt Cara and Ms. Sally!!