Not sure we had any super funny stories or moments this week. My friend Wendi, the one who I copied this Sunday Stories idea from, her kids seem to always say funny things through the week. I think she probably also writes them down as soon as possible after they happen, which I am totally not good at.
So, I wrote this week's stories from some of the pictures I have of the big boys. If you want to see Thomas and his current look, see my previous post:)
Jackson would play board games all day long. Max.. he does not have quite the attention span for that. But make is a game among Supers??? Now you're talking! Zingo it is, for Big Superman, Big WonderWoman, Big Batman, Kid Superman, Kid WonderWoman and Kid Batman. Yes, Max calls his little supers "Kids."
Jackson likes to color, but not as much as he did right about the time we left the Azores. In an attempt to get him and Max to sit still while I read to them, they have been coloring. Jackson currently likes the "Bible Stories" coloring book he has:)
Jackson and Max both participate in the Awana program here at the chapel. Jackson is a Sparky and he is super proud of his vest with all the adornments. He really should have started Sparks last year in the Azores, but his little friends were all Cubbies, so I let him stay back with them. This year, he will actually catch up and be able to move up the next group when he is supposed to because he finished the first book in half a year and will finish the second book before the year is over as well. The kid has a crazy knack for memorization. So, here he is showing off his newest green jewel, which is on the left and his patches on the right.