2 Corinthians 9:6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
This is my avenue of confession. Mike and I fell off the tithing wagon some time ago. We have given, just sporadically, and not the way we normally do. I would say too, that we have been giving less than we normally do.
Christmastime is a bad time for trying to get back into giving money or making a budget. I am not usually a huge shopper, but this year I am having a lot of fun thinking of things for people or running into things that I think they would like. Not to mention I have done a little shopping for myself, which is rather unusual.
But I also still know that the Lord wants my firstfruits. And I am recommitting to giving that to Him. I have this feeling that once I get back in line doing what I know is right for the Lord, that I will see more fruits in my life... More joy, more peace, less complaining, less seeing any kind of lack in my life.
When I give away my money, I want to also give away any ways in which I feel I want something someone else has. I already have SO much. And I know I can trust the Lord with the desires of my heart. He will provide what is right for me and my family... And that plan will be able to play out just right when I am starting out in obedience to His Word.
When I created this blog, I called it "Just a Bite" because that's what it was: just a bite of my thoughts, almost always having to do with what I was reading in Scripture. Now, I am moving on to chronicling our time in Hawaii and giving our family and friends "just a bite" of what life is like here for our little family. Thanks for keeping up with us!!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
God of comfort
2 Corinthians 7:5 For when we came into Macedonia, this body of ours had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn--conflicts on the outside, fears within. 6 But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, 7 and not only by his coming but also by the comfort you had given him.
I had a bad dream last night. And I woke up this morning feeling worried, rather than hopeful, which was the way I went to bed. That feeling usually does not last long and I am glad I opened the Bible today because I got to these scriptures.
I am thankful that my worries usually cannot stick with me for that long. I have too much going on in any given day and I have to let my mind focus on what is in front of me. But I am also thankful that I have God's Word, which reminds me of that phrase, "But God...." But God gives me daily distractions. But God gives me friends who cheer me up, understand me, and know when I need to talk and when being quiet is better. But God gave me a husband and kids who are so wonderful and keep me laughing and full. And my "But God" list could go on and on.
When I just look around, I see all that God has provided for me and I am comforted that He sees me. He sees my heart's desires, He sees my fears, He sees all that goes on around me. And He knows just what I will need to keep peace in my head and heart. I cannot imagine living my life without Him.
I had a bad dream last night. And I woke up this morning feeling worried, rather than hopeful, which was the way I went to bed. That feeling usually does not last long and I am glad I opened the Bible today because I got to these scriptures.
I am thankful that my worries usually cannot stick with me for that long. I have too much going on in any given day and I have to let my mind focus on what is in front of me. But I am also thankful that I have God's Word, which reminds me of that phrase, "But God...." But God gives me daily distractions. But God gives me friends who cheer me up, understand me, and know when I need to talk and when being quiet is better. But God gave me a husband and kids who are so wonderful and keep me laughing and full. And my "But God" list could go on and on.
When I just look around, I see all that God has provided for me and I am comforted that He sees me. He sees my heart's desires, He sees my fears, He sees all that goes on around me. And He knows just what I will need to keep peace in my head and heart. I cannot imagine living my life without Him.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Living for Christ
2 Corinthians 5:15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
I really long to make my life look like this, every moment living for Christ, and being unafraid and unashamed to say that. I also want to live every moment IN the knowledge of this fact. Sometimes I get so busy in my days that I float through them not remembering who I am desiring to live for, not giving Him ALL the credit, feeling, at the end of the day, like I have not really given Him every moment.
Maybe it is unrealistic to want to feel like I thought about the Lord in every single thing that happened to me that day. And so I pray that the Holy Spirit is active in every second of my day, that the Lord is with me through His Spirit, which helps me to live as though Jesus is right there in the room with me.
This is a busy time of year. We get so busy with so many things going on, so many people to see and interact with, so much we think we need to get accomplished. And this whole season is supposed to be about Him!! I hate thinking how often I probably forget that. So, today, I am going to, yet again, try again to make the effort to live for Christ, and remember His birth and sacrifice so that I can fully live.
I really long to make my life look like this, every moment living for Christ, and being unafraid and unashamed to say that. I also want to live every moment IN the knowledge of this fact. Sometimes I get so busy in my days that I float through them not remembering who I am desiring to live for, not giving Him ALL the credit, feeling, at the end of the day, like I have not really given Him every moment.
Maybe it is unrealistic to want to feel like I thought about the Lord in every single thing that happened to me that day. And so I pray that the Holy Spirit is active in every second of my day, that the Lord is with me through His Spirit, which helps me to live as though Jesus is right there in the room with me.
This is a busy time of year. We get so busy with so many things going on, so many people to see and interact with, so much we think we need to get accomplished. And this whole season is supposed to be about Him!! I hate thinking how often I probably forget that. So, today, I am going to, yet again, try again to make the effort to live for Christ, and remember His birth and sacrifice so that I can fully live.
Even the hard stuff builds hope
2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart... 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal.
So many things about this life can be discouraging. On a daily basis we go through things that shake us up. There are a couple things that I used to think, "If this happens in my life, I might be mad at God. I might even let go of my faith." But I have found, as the years go by, that has not happened. I love God more now than I ever have before. I have found that even in the hard things He is faithful to provide for my needs. He has sent me His Words at just the right moments, friends who understand, and hugs at the right times.
Don't get me wrong, I have had a few good cries over the things that have not gone as I imagined they would. I have even told the Lord exactly how I feel about things. But in the end, the hope I have in Him is enough. My hope of heaven and meeting my Lord and Savior there overwhelms me, even in the midst of loss. I am so grateful for that hope and the fact that it has not been squashed since it started building.
I know there are hard things about this life that will probably still come my way. I have a feeling I might even have some things to say to God about them when they come. But I also believe that even then, the Lord will show Himself to me in the details that remind me of His presence in my life. I am thankful for my hope in those moments.
So many things about this life can be discouraging. On a daily basis we go through things that shake us up. There are a couple things that I used to think, "If this happens in my life, I might be mad at God. I might even let go of my faith." But I have found, as the years go by, that has not happened. I love God more now than I ever have before. I have found that even in the hard things He is faithful to provide for my needs. He has sent me His Words at just the right moments, friends who understand, and hugs at the right times.
Don't get me wrong, I have had a few good cries over the things that have not gone as I imagined they would. I have even told the Lord exactly how I feel about things. But in the end, the hope I have in Him is enough. My hope of heaven and meeting my Lord and Savior there overwhelms me, even in the midst of loss. I am so grateful for that hope and the fact that it has not been squashed since it started building.
I know there are hard things about this life that will probably still come my way. I have a feeling I might even have some things to say to God about them when they come. But I also believe that even then, the Lord will show Himself to me in the details that remind me of His presence in my life. I am thankful for my hope in those moments.
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